Virtual Special Issue in the Journal

Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN)

We are pleased to confirm our special issue in Science of Total Environment (STOTEN) with the title: Marine Sciences: Biogeochemical cycles, climate change and humans. It will publish selected articles of the International Symposium of Marine Science (ISMS2022) and related events (ISARFIS, BAMAR, SIQUIMAR, EOF and MapSIS), which they are reference meetings of marine community, covering all the scientific research areas of the marine environment.

Although we are waiting for their announcement in STOTEN, we are sending you the preliminary dates so that you can organize your work:

  • First submission date: 15th December 2022
  • Submission deadline: 15th March 2023
  • Acceptance deadline: 30th May 2023
  • Closed Special Issue: 15th July 2023

All articles will be published after acceptance with STOTEN conditions. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The publication of a virtual special issue (VSI) in the journal Science of the Total Environment, opened to communications from SIQUIMAR, ISMS, BAMAR, EOF and ISARFIS is being organized.

To select an initial list of invited publications, it is necessary to know the researchers who would be interested in participating in this special issue entitled: Biogeochemical cycles, climate change and humans (Preliminary Tittle).

Science of the Total Environment is an international multi-disciplinary journal for publication of novel, hypothesis-driven and high-impact research on the total environment, which interfaces the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and anthroposphere (

STOTEN invites contributions of original and high quality interdisciplinary environmental research papers of broad impact. Studies significantly advancing fundamental understanding and that focus on the interconnection of multiple spheres will be given primary consideration. Field studies have preferences, while papers describing laboratory experiments must demonstrate significant advances in methodology or mechanistic understanding with a clear connection to the environment. Descriptive, repetitive, incremental or regional-scale studies with limited novelty will not be considered.

Papers must be included within the thematic areas of the journal (

Are you interested?

Fulfill the following form

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I presented an Oral Communication/Poster to any of the Conferences held under the umbrella of ISMS 2022 (ISMS, ISARFIS, BAMAR; EOF, SIQUIMAR)